
JuanFi Manager

Made by Kintoyyy :)
FB: @kint.oyyy508

Donations would be appreciated
Gcash/Paymaya account: Kent R. 09760009422
Paypal account:

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- Login Page


- Main Dashboard

Dashboard-1 Dashboard-2 Dashboard-3 Dashboard-4

- Voucher Reseller Dashboard


- Printing page

Click View print page


- Telegram report


- Subscribers report


1. Setup Mikrotik

add the on login and on logout script in to your hotspot profile in order for the dashboard to display the informations


On login Script

### enable telegram notification, change from 0 to 1 if you want to enable telegram
:local enableTelegram 1;
###replace telegram token
:local telegramToken "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
###replace telegram chat id / group id
:local chatId "xxxxxxxxxxxxx";
### enable Random MAC synchronizer
:local enableRandomMacSyncFix 1;
### hotspot folder for HEX put flash/hotspot for haplite put hotspot only
:local hotspotFolder "flash/Hotspot";

:local com [/ip hotspot user get [find name=$user] comment];
/ip hotspot user set comment="" $user;

:if ($com!="") do={

:local mac $"mac-address";
:local macNoCol;
:for i from=0 to=([:len $mac] - 1) do={ 
  :local char [:pick $mac $i]
  :if ($char = ":") do={
	:set $char ""
  :set macNoCol ($macNoCol . $char)

:local validity [:pick $com 0 [:find $com ","]];

:if ( $validity!="0m" ) do={
	:local sc [/sys scheduler find name=$user]; :if ($sc="") do={ :local a [/ip hotspot user get [find name=$user] limit-uptime]; :local c ($validity); :local date [ /system clock get date]; /sys sch add name="$user" disable=no start-date=$date interval=$c on-event="/ip hotspot user remove [find name=$user]; /ip hotspot active remove [find user=$user]; /ip hotspot cookie remove [find user=$user]; /system sche remove [find name=$user]; /file remove \"$hotspotFolder/data/$macNoCol.txt\";" policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon; :delay 2s; } else={ :local sint [/sys scheduler get $user interval]; :if ( $validity!="" ) do={ /sys scheduler set $user interval ($sint+$validity); } };

:local infoArray [:toarray [:pick $com ([:find $com ","]+1) [:len $com]]];

:local totaltime [/ip hotspot user get [find name="$user"] limit-uptime];
:local amt [:pick $infoArray 0];
:local ext [:pick $infoArray 1];
:local vendo [:pick $infoArray 2];
:local uactive [/ip hotspot active print count-only];

:local getIncome [:put ([/system script get [find name=todayincome] source])];
/system script set source="$getIncome" todayincome;

:local getSales ($amt + $getIncome);
/system script set source="$getSales" todayincome;

:local getMonthlyIncome [:put ([/system script get [find name=monthlyincome] source])];
/system script set source="$getMonthlyIncome" monthlyincome;

:local getMonthlySales ($amt + $getMonthlyIncome);
/system script set source="$getMonthlySales" monthlyincome;

:if ( [/system script find name=$vendo] != "" ) do={ 
		:local getVendorScript [/system script get [find name=$vendo] comment];
		:local vendorArray [:toarray [:pick $getVendorScript ([:find $getVendorScript ","]) [:len $getVendorScript]]];
		:local getMontlhySales [:pick $vendorArray 0];
        :local getDailySales [:pick $vendorArray 2];
		:local getLastSales [:pick $vendorArray 1];
		:local addMonthly ($amt + $getMontlhySales);
        :local addDaily ($amt + $getDailySales);
		:local getSellerIncome [:put ([/system script get [find name=$vendo] source])];
		:local getSellerSales ($amt + $getSellerIncome);
		/system script set source="$getSellerSales" comment="VendoSales,$addMonthly,$getLastSales,$addDaily" $vendo;
		:if ($enableTelegram=1) do={/tool fetch url="$telegramToken/sendmessage?chat_id=$chatId&text=<<======New Sales======>> %0A Seller: $vendo %0A Sales : $getSellerSales %0A Montly Sales : $addMonthly %0A Daily Sales : $addDaily %0A Voucher: $user %0A IP: $address %0A MAC: $mac %0A Amount: $amt %0A Extended: $ext %0A Total Time: $totaltime %0A  %0A Total Today Sales : $getSales %0A Total Monthly Sales : $getMonthlySales %0A Active Users: $uactive%0A <<=====================>>" keep-result=no;};
	} else={ 
		:local comment "VendoSales,$amt,0,0";
		/system script add name=$vendo owner=admin comment=$comment source="$amt";

:local validUntil [/system scheduler get $user next-run];

/file print file="$hotspotFolder/data/$macNoCol" where name="dummyfile"; 
:delay 1s; 
/file set "$hotspotFolder/data/$macNoCol" contents="$user#$validUntil";

:if ($enableRandomMacSyncFix=1) do={
:local cmac $"mac-address"
:foreach AU in=[/ip hotspot active find user="$username"] do={
  :local amac [/ip hotspot active get $AU mac-address];
  :if ($cmac!=$amac) do={  /ip hotspot active remove [/ip hotspot active find mac-address="$amac"]; }

or if you have a custom juanfi onlogin script insert the script

### Azk Manager Script

	:if ( [/system script find name=$vendo] != "" ) do={ 
		:local getVendorScript [/system script get [find name=$vendo] comment];
		:local vendorArray [:toarray [:pick $getVendorScript ([:find $getVendorScript ","]) [:len $getVendorScript]]];
		:local getMontlhySales [:pick $vendorArray 0];
	:local getDailySales [:pick $vendorArray 2];
		:local getLastSales [:pick $vendorArray 1];
		:local addMonthly ($amt + $getMontlhySales);
	:local addDaily ($amt + $getDailySales);
		:local getSellerIncome [:put ([/system script get [find name=$vendo] source])];
		:local getSellerSales ($amt + $getSellerIncome);
		/system script set source="$getSellerSales" comment="VendoSales,$addMonthly,$getLastSales,$addDaily" $vendo;
	} else={ 
		:local comment "VendoSales,$amt,0,0";
		/system script add name=$vendo owner=admin comment=$comment source="$amt";

### End Azk Manager Script

On logout Script

### hotspot folder for HEX put flash/hotspot for haplite put hotspot only
:local hotspotFolder "flash/hotspot";

:local mac $"mac-address";
:local macNoCol;
:for i from=0 to=([:len $mac] - 1) do={ 
:local char [:pick $mac $i]
:if ($char = ":") do={
    :set $char ""
:set macNoCol ($macNoCol . $char)

:if ([/ip hotspot user get [/ip hotspot user find where name="$user"] limit-uptime] <= [/ip hotspot user get [/ip hotspot user find where name="$user"] uptime]) do={
/ip hotspot user remove $user;
/file remove "$hotspotFolder/data/$macNoCol.txt";
/system sche remove [find name=$user];

Scheduler Script (paste in terminal)

/system scheduler add comment="Reset Daily Income" interval=1d name="Reset Daily Income" on-event="/system script set source=\"0\" todayincome; /system script :foreach i in=[find] do={ :if ([get \$i comment]~\"VendoSales\") do={ :local getVendorScript [/system script get \$i comment]; :local vendorArray [:toarray [:pick \$getVendorScript ([:find \$getVendoScript \",\"]+1) [:len \$getVendorScript]]];:local getLastSales [:pick \$vendorArray 2];:local getMonthlySales [:pick \$vendorArray 1];/system script set \$i comment=\"VendoSales,\$getMonthlySales,\$getLastSales,0\";}}" policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon start-date=sep/28/2021 start-time=00:00:00
/system scheduler add comment="Reset Monthly Income" interval=4w3d name="Reset Monthly Income" on-event="/system script set source=\"0\" monthlyincome; /system script :foreach i in=[find] do={ :if ([get \$i comment]~\"VendoSales\") do={ :local getVendorScript [/system script get \$i comment]; :local vendorArray [:toarray [:pick \$getVendorScript ([:find \$getVendoScript \",\"]+1) [:len \$getVendorScript]]]; :local getLastSales [:pick \$vendorArray 2]; /system script set \$i comment=\"VendoSales,0,\$getLastSales\"; }}" policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon start-date=aug/01/2022 start-time=00:00:00

/system script add dont-require-permissions=no name=todayincome owner=admin policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source="0";
/system script add dont-require-permissions=no name= monthlyincome owner=admin policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source="0";

Create a scheduler with 1d interval and paste the script

###replace telegram token
:local telegramToken "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
###replace telegram chat id / group id
:local chatId "xxxxxxxxxxxxx";

/ip hotspot user
## Get Date Today
:local LocalDate [/system clock get date];
:local Day [:pick $LocalDate ([:find $LocalDate "/" -1] + 1) [:find $LocalDate "/" [:find $LocalDate "/" -1]]]
##Format Date 1 - 31
:global FormatDate do={
:if ($d > 31) do={
:return ($d - 31);
} else={ 
:return ($d);
## Scan Hotspot users
:foreach i in=[find] do={
    :local com [/ip hotspot user get $i comment];
    :local infoArray [:toarray [:pick $com ([:find $com ","]+1) [:len $com]]];
    :if ([get $i comment]~"unpaid" && ($Day+0) = [$FormatDate d=([:pick $infoArray 0]+3)] && "false" = [/ip hotspot user get $i disabled]) do={
        /ip hotspot user set $i disabled=yes;
        :local name [/ip hotspot user get $i name];
/ip hotspot active remove [find user=$name];
/ip hotspot cookie remove [find user=$name]; 
        :local price [:pick $infoArray 1];
        :local contact [:pick $infoArray 3];
        :local fb [:pick $infoArray 4];
        :tool fetch url="$telegramToken/sendmessage?chat_id=$chatId&text=[Over Due Subscriber Disconnected]%0A%0A Name: $name %0A Price: $price %0A Contact: $contact %0A Facebook:$fb" keep-result=no;
        :log warning ("Subscriber Logs - Disabled Overdue: " . $name . " - due date: $LocalDate");
    :if ([get $i comment]~"paid" && ($Day+0) = [:pick $infoArray 0] && "false" = [/ip hotspot user get $i disabled]) do={
        :local name [/ip hotspot user get $i name];
        :local date [:pick $infoArray 0];
        :local price [:pick $infoArray 1];
        :local contact [:pick $infoArray 3];
        :local fb [:pick $infoArray 4];
        /ip hotspot user set $i comment="subscriber,$date,$price,unpaid,$contact,$fb";
:tool fetch url="$telegramToken/sendmessage?chat_id=$chatId&text=[Changed to unpaid Subscriber]%0A%0A Name: $name %0A Price: $price %0A Contact: $contact %0A Facebook:$fb" keep-result=no;
        :log warning ("Subscriber Logs - Changed : " . $name . " - $date - $price - unpaid - $contact - $fb");
} # **2. download the Desktop folder and Run the Azk-Manager.exe** # **3. Done Congrats!** ## You can now access the **dashboard**, click the server url in the window

Username: Admin
Password: admin123
//you can change this on the reset password page

This Voucher Generator/manager Only works for ivanalayan15/JuanFi system